Who Is Making Your Gear?


Hope has been with Empower Sports since day 1 of programs. She has grown from an eager participant to an engaging coach. Hope is a ray of positivity that is focused on making sure every teammate is included and each shirt she presses is "perfect"!

Hope is very health conscious and enjoys passing along tips to all who will listen! She's big into swimming and her hot tub, especially after a great bike ride!

Favorite coach: Tom!


Marc is well known around the Empower Sports circle. He is a lovable giant that is most concerned with friendships over sports.

Marc is an avid scrapper that is quick to point out the resell value of metals. His coolest find, to date, was an old refrigerator. His love of scrapping with his dad has transferred over to Empower Customs with his enthusiasm to collect trash and keep our spaces clean.

Favorite coach: Dawn


Ethan is new to Empower Sports, joining the team after discovering his passion for hitting home runs! There are few on the team more passionate about turning a double into a homer than Ethan. Interests outside of softball are playing with his puppy, adventuring outside and coloring cool pictures. He is a skilled climber, whose talents extend far beyond trees!

He has enthusiastically joined the staff to be able to hang out with the coaches all day. He brings fresh encouragement to the entire team and keeps everyone smiling with his unique phrases.

Favorite coach: best friend, Jake!